Make a donation
every step counts
Make a donation
every step counts
The proceeds of the Run For Rosa marathons in 2024 will be donated to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) one of the largest and most active mental health organisations in South Africa. In operation for over 30 years, SADAG provides a vital resource to South Africans struggling with mental health and runs the country’s only Suicide Crisis Helpline. They run a 30-line counselling call centre offering free telephone counselling, referrals and information and have run various campaigns in urban, peri-urban, and the most rural communities across South Africa. They currently receive 2500 – 3000 calls per day. Please make donations by EFT to the banking details below, or donate through our BackaBuddy campaign.
Banking details are as follows:
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Benmore Gardens
Branch code: 251255
Account no: 59251150677
Reference: RFR2024
Banking details are as follows:
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Benmore Gardens
Branch code: 251255
Account no: 59251150677
Reference: RFR2024

Section 18A available:
If anyone would like a Section 18A certificate, they can email SADAG’s Finance Manager directly on Please provide a POP and they will supply you with a Section 18A form to fill in.